
By Rob

Hello good reader, and welcome to the city of Ithgar and its surroundings, a place not found on any map in this world.

Its roots can be found here, though, in history and in many of the books I've read. Ithgar's world is a place of elves and dragons and magic and swordplay and derring-do…and damsels in distress, of course.

Some of the names will be strange, some of the characters may be stranger, but I hope that if you bear with me then a good time will be had by all.

A few of you may recognize elements of the Dungeons & Dragons game in the stories, and I am indeed a long-time gamer. If only Kiersta and Elariel and Darina and friends had been part of an actual gaming session or three….

Ah, but I digress - on with the story.

Chapter One