By Historian


Kelly's wrists were tied behind her back while simulataniously, a balled-up peice of cloth was stuffed into her mouth. The cloths was secured wth another and she was seated into a chair. A long rope was secured around her arns, waist, and chest; and the back of the chair. Another piece of rope, though not as long judging by the number of turns tied her thighs to the seat of the chair. As a finish, her ankles were tied together. The captors moved away, but she heard voices mumurring, no doubt debating what to do with her.

After a while, the comversation stopped. No doubt the had reached a decision and were acting on. Unsure of what was going on, she struggled against the rope. "Don't fight it," a man suggested. "Even if you could wiggled free, we're watching you."

There was another period of silence, asfter which Kelly was released from the chair, but the gag, blindfold and wrist bndings were kept in place as she was lifted from the chair and place on somebody's broad shoulders. She was carried outside and placed inside a vehicle. She heard the unmistakable sound of a van door being closed before the engine started and the van began moving.

The van took a circuitous route through the city, the Kelly didn't see why it was nescessary, as the blndfold wash disorienting enough. Besides, the stop and go meant she was going through dowtown anyway. Finally, the van stopped and she was taken outside and set down and presumaby left alone. She felt grass beneath her legs. Once she was sure the van was gone,Kelly struggled to a sitting position.

Kelly struggled against the ropes and tried to call out, but only got a few mufled grunts for her effort. After a while she heard a couple voices. "Is that what I think it is?" a man asked.

"We can always find out." a woman said.

After a few seconds, the man asked "how did she get here?"

"Untie her and find out ya goof."

The couple helped Kelly to her feet and started to untie her. She had to squint when the blindfold was removed, but she saw Lake Michigan behind them, who were obviously joggers. "Are you okay?' the woman asked.

"How did you get here?" the man wondered.

Kelly turned to get her bearings, noting she was in Grant Park. At least the Lakefront was in Kristy's district. She asked the couple if either had a cell phone. They did, and Kelly had trouble convincing the understandably dubious 911 operator. An officer from the bicycle patrol was dispatched and on seeing the rope, needed no further convincing. A squad car was dispacthed to pick Kelly up.

(Scene break)

When Kristy first heard of a young woman being dumped in Grant Park bound and gagged, she hadn't the name and dismissed as a bunch of idiots screwing around. She and Gomez were still working on the O'Malley case and hadn't made much headway . That all changed when the Captain called them into his office a brought the matter to thier attention. "Is she out of her mind?" Kristy wondered when she first heard the news.

"Perhaps," the Captain said. "But you're going to have a long talk with your sister."

"IF Kristy isn't upto it, I'll do it, Cap," Gomez offered.

"From a professional standpoint,it's understandable, but we can't have the twin of a tactical officer or a detective, who is not part of the Police Department, getting involved in cases, wecould be open to lawsuits.

"Also, tomorrow is an off day for you, Officer Flannigan. Do you understand?"

Completely," Kristy said. She was to take no action in an ongoing police investigation. However, she did have a extened family connection on the force."


Much to Kelly's delighted surprise, she didn't get a severe tounge lashing from her sister, who semed to be having problems of her own. "I'm convinced that drug bust from a few weeks ago is being used against me somehow," she said.

"Any ideas?" Kelly asked.

"No but I can find out." Kristy said. She made for the nearest phone and dialed a number. "Sean? It's Kristy. Can you meet Kelly and me for lunch tomorrow? You can. Good. Where at? Okay."

Kristy hung up. "Ah you think he can help out," Kelly said.




"That's only a couple blocks from where Mr. O'Malley has his office. We can talk with him without much trouble and explain the situation. It's not like.

Sean met the twins at the apointed time and place. "Ask yourselves this question," He said. "What is a high priced lawyer like Ted McNulty have to do with a small potatoes crook like Finelli. And what does he have against O'Malley."

"I doubt it's because he snubbed Mc Nulty's law frim by having me draw up his will," Kelly said.

"Maybe he did something to offend McNulty," Kristy said.

"You're getting warm," Sean said.

"I've got it!" Kelly said. "He had one of McNulty's partners disbarred."


The group finished the meal, which Sean paid for, plus tip. The twins decided to walk off part of it by going to O'Malley's office. After all, Kelly had to re-write his will. As they reached the entrance to the parking lot, a van turned and blocjed the sidewalk. The side door opened up three muscular figures jumped out. All three wore Halloween masks. One picked Kelly off her feet and dropped her into the van. Kristy tried to fight back, but her blow was anticipated and deflected. Two men grabbed her and tossed her into. Kelly was already gagged and her wrist were being bound by what appeared to be a tall, muscular woman. Kelly was double temaed, with one thug tying her wrsist while the other gagged ger. The twins' ankles were bound as the van made it's way through the South Side.


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