by Brian Sands

Part Three: Rescued?

The shock of seeing the black bulk of the burglar looming over her again was too much for Melanie. She fainted from a combination of fright and disappointment, not to mention exhaustion brought on by the hours of near hysteria she had undergone which now finally caught up with her.

Brendan looked down at his captive with growing dismay. Her face, which had been flushed and strained from the gag when he had left her hours ago, was now white. Feverishly he knelt and gathered her in his arms. His fingers trembled as he fumbled at the knot that was tied so tightly at the back of her neck. It was more than a minute before he managed to pick the threads sufficiently to loosen it. He knew that a minute is a long time in these situations and his efforts became more feverish. When the knot parted grudgingly, he carefully unwound the long scarf from between the girl's teeth, finally easing the central knot and silk pad from her mouth. Melanie's lips had a bluish tinge but she was still breathing.

In an agony of guilt, Brendan rolled Melanie onto her face, putting her in the coma position. And while the unconscious woman lay there he took a small pocket knife from his jeans and cut the bonds that held her upper arms and body, working as fast as he dared. The blade of the knife was small and he had to saw at the cords. When they finally parted, he rolled her onto her back without troubling about her bound wrists or legs. What he had to do next was more important.

Swiftly he felt at the side of her throat for a pulse. It was there, thank God, but it seemed to flutter. He inspected inside her mouth to make sure there was no obstruction, that her tongue had not slipped into the back of the throat to cause choking. Then he tilted Melanie's head back and held it steady with one hand while with the other he took her by the chin and held her mouth open. He did not stop the rhythm of the EAR, mouth to mouth resuscitation, until he could see the young woman's chest rising and falling in a natural manner. The pressure of her lips against his gave him an instant hard-on, but he could not let that distract him. Brendan was overjoyed when Melanie took a deep gasp of air followed by an attack of coughing. He rolled her quickly onto her side again and cradled her in his arms, letting her head rest against his shoulder.

Melanie's eyelids fluttered and she gave a low groan. Brendan found himself stroking her heavy luxurious hair and rocking her gently from side to side. 'It's okay, kid,' he breathed softly, his lips against her ear, 'You're all right. I'm not going to hurt you. Take it easy.' The young woman nodded weakly. She tried to speak but the effort brought on another fit of coughing. Brendan lowered her gently to the floor, putting a pillow from the bed under her head and neck, and almost ran to the kitchen. He was about to take water direct from the tap when on an impulse he opened the refrigerator. A large plastic jug of water stood in one of the door's compartments. Taking it and a glass from a nearby shelf, he walked hurriedly back to the bedroom.

Melanie had not moved from the position he had left her in. She could not really, for her legs were still tightly fastened together and her wrists bound in those cruel knots. Again Brendan cradled the lovely woman in his arms, but this time she was sitting, and he held the glass of water to her lips. 'Drink slowly,' he warned. She nodded and obeyed. He realised that she had regained consciousness and knew what was going on, more or less.

Melanie drank three glasses of water. The first she sipped steadily, causing an attack of spluttering when she attempted to drink faster. But the third glass went down easily. She let out a deep sigh and spoke her first intelligible words in eight hours. 'Th ... thank you.'

There followed a long awkward silence as Brendan and Melanie sat together on the carpeted floor in the middle of the bedroom. A very long silence, as Brendan held the girl in his arms. Melanie allowed her head to rest against his shoulder. It had been clinical before when he was performing the EAR on her, but Brendan now found himself staring with fascination at the rise and fall of Melanie's breasts, which had almost been revealed by the shifting of her tight blouse and translucent satin bra. Part of a nipple - it seemed to be erect - and the dark areola surrounding it was peeping from the edge of one satin cup. Brendan brought his hand down to her breasts, cupped each in turn for a moment, and gave each a light squeeze. The exhausted girl neither moved or spoke as he fondled her breasts. Then he carefully readjusted the bra so that she was covered again. Melanie stirred in his arms but did not speak.

'Do you think you  can stand now?' Brendan asked.

'I might, if my legs weren't tied.'

The man flushed with embarrassment. In his relief that the girl was well, sparing him a murder rap, he had entirely forgotten that she was still a very secure prisoner in very tight bonds.

'I'll have you out of that in a jiffy,' and he took her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

'My hands ... ?' she asked in a small voice.

'Those too.' The girl appeared satisfied and let her head roll gently onto the bedspread.

As he worked at untying Melanie's wrist and leg bonds, Brendan laid down the law, but he could not altogether keep the tone of apology from his voice. 'I have to hold you still. Can't afford to let you get away. It's becoming day now. I ditched the car a few blocks from here and the police will be looking for me in this neighbourhood. So I've got to lie low. You won't be bound tightly, just enough to stop movement. Do you understand?'

But by the time Brandan had said his piece and removed the ties at wrists, above and below the knees, and around the ankles, Melanie lay motionless in an exhausted sleep. He was uncertain whether she had heard him, or understood.

Brendan inspected the young woman's hands. Her struggling had pulled the cuffs of her blouse away from the bank of cords that had bound he wrists, with the result that deep indentations had been left in her skin. The silk of the blouse had been too flimsy anyway to make much difference as far as the tightness of the cords was concerned. The woman's hands were red and puffy from the impeded circulation. There were also marks on her legs and ankles left by the ropes. Brendan gently massaged Melanie's wrists, then her legs, but her wrists and her ankles in particular, for almost an hour. From time to time he succumbed to temptation and fondled her breasts through the silk of blouse and satiny bra. But all that was elicited from the sleeping woman was what sounded uncomfortably like a purr.

'I could take her now. It'd be easy,' thought Brendan. But the idea was strangely abhorrent. He was beginning to care for the girl. She was not a girl really, he corrected himself as he looked at her elfin face grown smoother in sleep. She's thirty-something, very nearly my age unless I'm badly mistaken. But she could easily be taken for a much younger woman.

Brendan stopped the massage. He had to, the tightness in his jeans was unbearable. Carefully he covered the woman in a sheet up to her throat, rearranged her head on the pillow so that her luxurious auburn-tinted hair spilled across it, making a sort of halo about her head and the side of her face. Softly he left the room and almost tiptoed to the living area. The morning sun was striking through the curtains at every window on one side of the house. Time enough to truss her up later. There was no need to do it while she slept.

Brendan himself slept fitfully on the living room sofa. At half hour intervals he rose and inspected the young woman. She remained in a heavy sleep, a little color creeping back into her cheeks revealing her near-perfect complexion. God she was beautiful!

He knew her name now, Melanie, from the credit cards and driver's licence in her shoulder bag. He took nothing. He had done enough to her already, though shortly her would have to do more. He debated whether to use the gaffer's tape but decided that she would be too weak from her hours of helplessness and that it was therefore unnecessary. A few secure ties with cloth was maybe the way to go. He checked out the linen closet where the ropes had come from and found two old white sheets with rips in them that were obviously put aside to be made into cleaning rags. He tore the sheets into several broad strips. They were crisp and clean. This little lady even washed her cleaning rags!

The morning was almost gone when Melanie began to stir sleepily. Brendan sat on the edge of the bed, a long piece of sheeting in his hand. He did not immediately notice it when the svelt woman became fully awake and fixed her eyes on him, and it was with a start that he realised she was watching him through half closed eye-lashes.

She spoke first. 'Have I been asleep long?'

'Just about all morning. There was no point disturbing you.'

'Why didn't you go? You could have been well away by the time I woke up.'

'I couldn't,' Brendan replied, shrugging. 'I had to get rid of the  car ...'

'Which was stolen. I seem to remember you saying something about that just before I fell asleep'

Brendan nodded.

'I'm still your prisoner aren't I?' Melanie sighed, glancing at the long strip of sheeting across Brendan's knees. She pushed herself up till she was sitting with her back to the pillow and gathered the loose folds of her silk blouse around her. 'Look,' she continued, 'I've cooperated with you fully, something that I really regretted for hours afterwards. I'm just glad you came back because there was no way I could have fought free or attracted help, and I hate to think what it would have been like after another day.'

'I won't tie you anywhere near as tight.'

The look on Melanie's face told Brendan she did not really believe him. 'At least let me use the bathroom and change into something more decent before you tie me up again,' she temporised.

Brendan sat in the bedroom listening to the distant sound of the shower. There was plenty of time, all afternoon before it would be dark enough for him to slip out of the house and down the street, across the 'burbs to a bus station and the beach terminus.  Melanie had selected a change of clothes while Brendan was inspecting the bathroom to make sure there was no way she could escape through a window or signal for help. The bathroom window looked out on a thick hedge with a vacant block beyond, so all was secure, as Melanie would be again shortly.

When the bathroom door opened and Melanie stepped into the room, Brendan caught his breath in admiration. The young woman wore a light blue silk blouse with long sleeves over a form-hugging black body-stocking. The first three butons of the blouse were undone, and the tails of the garment fluttered loosely over her thighs in a casual look. The pair of tights she wore, matching the blouse in colour, reminded Brendan of a ballet costume. They were clearly not for general use. On her feet Melanie wore a pair of light flat-soled shoes that looked almost like slippers. Brendan realised that although they were simple items of clothing their obvious quality meant that they were very expensive.

In response to his look of surprise, Melanie said, 'I thought it might be a good idea to wear my Yoga outfit. This is it, aside from the blouse and the body-stocking. The blouse is really too dressy for Yoga, and the body-stocking can't be worn for Yoga without something under it. But I'm not wearing it for you,' she added with an elfin grin. 'It'll be more comfortable than my bras was, when I'm wrapped in bonds again.'

Brendan rose and approached Melanie with the long strip of sheeting in his hands. The sweet woman continued talking as though nothing was happening. 'You do promise not to tie me like you did before? That was sheer torture. Look at what you did to my wrists. The marks are still there, and ther are bruises on my arms. I don't bruise easily either.'

Melanie turned and presented her wrists crossed behind her back. When Brendan had finished neatly and thoroughly securing her wrists together in a series of criss-cross ties she looked awkwardly over her shoulder at them and flexed her hands. She could turn her wrists a little in the broad cotton bands but they were held inescapeably all the same. Brendan had made a couple of turns one way, tied it off with a tight double knot, then a couple of turns the other way - horizontally then vertically - followed by another double knot. There had been enough left for him to cinch once between her wrists before tying off a final double knot. Melanie was unable to free her hands but she was comfortable. She guessed she could probably spend the same number of hours trussed up as before, but with less damage to her skin. That is, if the rest of her was bound as gently. She sat on the bedroom chair and watched in fascination as Brendan knelt before her and tied her ankles together. He did it the same way as with the ropes, even cinching it off, but the pressure of the cloth around her legs was like that which held her wrists, secure but relatively comfortable.

As Brendan climbed back to his feet Melanie could not repress  a light giggle. 'Why don't you take off that ridiculous mask? It must be very uncomfortable.' Brendan had quickly pulled his stocking mask over his head when watching Melanie come awake, and he was still wearing it. 'I won't turn you over to the police if that's what you're worried about,' she went on, 'You came back and untied me, and you've been very decent letting me get tidied up again.'

Melanie sounded sincere so Brendan removed the sticky nylon covering his face, but not without some misgivings.

'That's a lot better,' the girl said approvingly. 'You're quite a good-looking guy under that fearsome exterior.'

'Enough talk,' grunted Brendan. He was flattered. Why did this woman's opinion mean so much to him? The truth was that he did not know how to respond to this vivacious imp who was now taking in her stride the experience of being bound once again. He knelt and scooped her up in his arms and placed her gently on the bed. Melanie rolled onto her side to take the pressure off her hands and looked up at her captor with an apprehensive frown.

'Are you going to gag me?'

Brendan nodded.

'Not like last time, I hope. This old house has such thick walls. Some guests staying here once called to me as I was walking up the street. I could see them in the window waving, and I knew they were calling to me, but no sound got through.'

'Okaayyy,' said Brendan slowly, after a thoughtful pause. 'Let's trust each other. I'll muffle you instead and we'll experiment. If I can't hear you from outside the house you can keep it on. I'll have to tie it good and tight all the same,' he added as he approached her with a short strip of bed sheet in his hands.

'I won't try to get it off,' Melanie promised.

'We'll see.'

Before he applied the gag, Brendan tied a knot in the center of the strip of cotton. Taking one of Melanie's folded silk scarves he made it into a square pad as he had done the night before. The knot with its wadded packing of thick silk was again pressed into Melanie's mouth. Only this time there were no long ends of scratchy silk organza to wrap around her face. The knot at the back of her neck was very tight however. Melanie began experimenting immediately by attempting a loud cry. All she could do was to produce an indeterminate muffled bleat.

Inclining his head in approval, Brendan said, 'I'll slip out by the wall and listen. I want you to yell as hard as you can, no cheating. If I can't hear anything, well, that'll do.' Melanie nodded in promise and as Brendan left the room she let out another cry which was as muted as the first. Brendan stayed in the hallway outside the bedroom for awhile listening to the muffled sounds. He was certain they would not be audible even in the house once the door was closed. He then stepped out into the back yard and sidled along the wall until he was standing below the upper-floor window of the bedroom. He could detect no sound at all. When he returned to the room the gagged noises were still being made, but with a note of weariness.

Melanie looked up at him interrogatively from where she lay. God, how that woman can communicate so much simply with her eyes! 'Okay,' said Brendan awkwardly, 'I'm taking a rest. I advise you to do the same because when I leave tonight I'll have to truss you up real tight again, but not with rope. With his foot he indicated the black kit bag. Melanie's eyes widened with understanding and she tried to remonstrate, but the gag made this impossible. Her experimental yelling had dried her mouth enough so that any further cries were now reduced to muffled whimpers. Brendan closed the bedroom door and walked to the living room. No sound followed him down the passage. Melanie realised that in the old house the light gag she now wore was just as efficient as the many-layered one that had silenced her earlier in the night.

Chapter Four


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