The locations, major events and certain characters in these stories are taken from Theah, the setting for the 7th Sea role-playing game ( These particular stories are based on logs from my own role-playing adventures in this exciting world (

Theah is (sort of, but not quite) a fantasy version of 17th century Europe. It is filled with daring swordsmen, dashing pirates and dread villains. These stories are set in Montaigne (sort of, but not quite, France) and Avalon (sort of, but not quite, England). A young sailor joins the Sea Dog privateers of Avalon to find a life of adventure.

Please send any comments about this tale to

Swashbuckling Bound II:

The Pirate and the Highwaywoman

By Stephen McIlvenna

Chapter Five

Sean slowly opened his eyes. He lay confused for a few moments and tried to get his bearings. He was lying in a soft bed, naked from the waist up. Wide white bandages were wrapped around his stomach and upper arms. His boots and sword belt were piled nearby on the floor, but he couldn't remember getting here. He tried sitting up to see the rest of the room, but instead fell back with a groan of pain.

"Lie still. You're not fully recovered yet," Soft hands pushed him back onto the pillow and tugged the sheets over his chest.

"Lizbeth? What happened?"

The Montaigne highwaywoman knelt beside the bed and smiled down at him. She was still dressed in a plain white shift, her chestnut curls cascading freely about her shoulders. She lifted his hand and rubbed the back of it against her cheek, "You tried something typically daring and reckless - and almost got yourself killed."

Sean stared at her and sorted through his memories, "LePrev? Did we stop him? Is the captain safe?"

She nodded and smiled, "Yes, we drove off LePrev and his guards. Captain Reynolds and I dragged you back to the 'Kingfisher' and now we're half way to Avalon."

"Half way to Avalon? How long have I been lying here?"

"A few days, my love. You've been resting in the captain's own bed and sweating out a fever." Her face grew serious with concern, "For a while it looked like LePrev's blow might be the death of you."

Sean studied the ceiling for a minute then turned back with a frown, "Wait a minute, if the captain's safe and we're returning home - why are you still here? Isn't your mission complete?"

Lizbeth gave a slight shrug and stroked Sean's forehead, "I met a handsome pirate who clearly needed a woman's care. You don't mind putting up with me for a little while longer, do you?"

He laughed and shook his head, "No, I don't mind at all. Now come and join me. If I have to be stuck in this bed then you can at least keep me company."

Lizbeth giggled and climbed onto the bed beside him. She sat with his head resting in her lap and scratched at his shorn hair. Sean smiled happily. He relaxed into her care and closed his eyes to enjoy her tender ministrations. The pair of adventurers lay quietly for several long minutes, taking simple pleasure from each other´s company and the gentle motion of the ship.

A knock on the cabin door disturbed their peaceful reverie. The tall form of Captain Reynolds entered. He looked across to the bed with a smile, “So, the patient´s awake at last? Some layabouts will go to any lengths to avoid working their passage.’

Sean opened his mouth to protest and started to push himself upright. Reynolds laughed and signalled for him to lie still, “It´s all right - stay where you are. I´ll leave you to the mademoiselle´s treatment in a minute, but there´s something we need to discuss first.’

The privateer lord moved to his desk and retrieved a bottle of port and three glasses. He dragged a chair across to the bed, poured generous measures and handed the glasses around.

“For medicinal purposes,’ he assured Lizbeth with a wink. “I want to thank you both again for your efforts in breaking me out of that jail. I´ve no doubt that my short stay would have ended with my execution. I owe you both a great debt.’

Lizbeth murmured demurely and accepted the toast. Sean took a long swallow of the rich alcohol. He nodded to his highwaywoman companion before asking a question to the captain, “Is it true that you´ve been helping Montaigne nobles flee from their revolution. Is that why LePrev captured you?’

Reynolds nodded, “It is. A small group of us have been escorting our Montaigne cousins to new lives in Eisen. I´m glad to say that your rescue came before LePrev could extract any damaging secrets.’

Lizbeth looked relieved at that news, but the captain continued, “However the danger may not be completely over. LePrev was quite obviously after me alone and knew exactly where to find the ‘Kingfisher´. The only people who would have known my course were our commanders in Surluse. Much as I hate to say it, I believe that the Sea Dogs may have a spy among their officers.’

Sean was shocked, “But the Sea Dogs are all privateers sworn in loyalty to the Queen. Surely none would betray one of their own.’

“Don´t be naive, Sean. Some men know nothing of loyalty.’ Lizbeth´s thoughts went to the vile Tom Evans and his treacherous betrayal of Sean and the captain. The despicable pirate hadn´t seemed acquainted with LePrev, but he had fled before he could face questioning and punishment for his crimes. She looked to Reynolds, “Could Evans have been the spy?’

“No, he was just a common sailor. His actions prove he had no honour, but he wouldn´t have known our destination until we were already at sea. No, the spy must be somebody of seniority back in Avalon.’ The captain fixed a level gaze on the young pirate and beautiful highwaywoman, “There may be an opportunity for us to reveal this spy, but it will involve a certain amount of risk. How do the pair of you feel about a new challenge?’

An agent for the Committee of National Welfare had access to considerable resources in the zealous pursuit of his duty. Even so, Michel LePrev had been forced to call in several personal favours to further his vendetta. This was no longer a matter of revolutionary justice. He had been thwarted and embarrassed by the Avalon captain and his young allies and he was determined to exact revenge. His enemies would sorely regret their actions by the time he was done.

A fast schooner had carried LePrev across the channel from Montaigne to Avalon. On foreign ground he was no longer protected by the power of the Committee and he would have to act without his usual cohort of guards. In fact, he only had one ally in this rain-soaked land and it was in that ally´s home that he now stood.

The plump master of the house descended an ornate staircase dressed in an elegant frock coat. As he came down, he called out a greeting in a smooth Avalon accent, “Good morning, sir. May I ask what business brings you here at this hour …’ The words trailed off in shock on realising the identity of his unexpected visitor. When he spoke again it was in a shaking Montaigne voice, “You! What are you doing here? Have you gone mad?’

LePrev regarded his flustered host with a calm expression, “I can assure you that I would not be here unless absolutely necessary. However, the time has come for a more … direct … course of action than usual.’

“Yes, yes, of course.’ Moping his brow with a large handkerchief, the second man began to control his anxiety and gather his wits, “Please, follow me. We can talk freely upstairs.’

They headed to a large study on the upper floor. The rotund gentleman poured himself a stiff drink which disappeared in one swallow. He refilled his glass and only remembered to offer a measure to his guest as an afterthought, “Have I been discovered? Is my information no longer of use?’

LePrev declined the drink and made himself comfortable in a padded armchair, “Not at all. You have served your country - your true country - most admirably. I am sure that you will continue to do so. But to business, I assume that you can tell me the places where the Sea Dogs captains gather when ashore?’

“Yes, of course.’

“Excellent. You may be aware that Captain Reynolds escaped the trap which you helped us to lay. I want him dead, monsieur. Reynolds, his crew and as many of his cursed peerage as possible.’

Another stiff drink was needed after that ominous proclamation. When his nerves were sufficiently steadied, LePrev´s accomplice carefully considered the sinister intent, “I might be able to help you. Yes, I may just have the perfect solution for your problem.’

By the time the 'Kingfisher' reached its home port, southern Avalon was a cold and frosty place, although so far this winter it had experienced little real snow. Preparations were already in full swing for the Prophet's Mass festivities which would bring the year to a close. Most ships had docked for the coming week and there was a definite holiday atmosphere in the town of Surluse. Vendors sold warm chestnuts on every street corner. Over-excited children hung bright decorations on any available surface in their homes, while happy mothers prepared stuffed geese for the ovens. Even the poorest family found some reason for cheer.

Celebrations were held on a much grander scale for the great and the good. The port's city hall was staging a magnificent ball. The cream of local society would be in attendance for a long night of wine, dance and entertainment. The Sea Dog officers would be among the prominent guests and, while their masters partied, household servants would be enjoying a night of excused duties. It would be the perfect time for some discrete breaking and entering to investigate the private affairs of those officers.

Sean and Lizbeth approached a large town house in the wealthy upper portion of Surluse. They were both wearing comfortable boots with warm shirts and trousers. Lizbeth's clothing hung loose and was belted with a bright sash, the garments scrounged from Sean's own wardrobe. It was the third home they had 'visited' this evening. Their efforts so far seemed to have cleared Captain Robert McDonald and Commodore Douglas of any impropriety. Next on Captain Reynolds' list of suspects was Captain Jack Green, a dockside officer who appeared to have gained his appointment because of his influential connections rather than his deeds.

"Upstairs or downstairs?" inquired Lizbeth. They were becoming quite adept at this housebreaking lark.

"Up, I think," returned Sean, "There are too many lights on downstairs."

The pair crouched low and padded across the icy lawn, using a line of bushes as cover from the downstairs rooms. They reached an ivy covered wall and pressed their backs into the shadows.

"Ladies first," quipped Sean. He locked his fingers together and braced himself to give Lizbeth a starting leg up. The strong vines of the ivy helped the highwaywoman to quickly scramble to the window sill of a darkened upstairs room. Cunningly designed tools allowed her to prise the latch open and slip inside. Sean was quick to follow.

They found themselves in a dim room which appeared to be the house's master bedroom. A large bed dominated the room, with matching wardrobes and dressers set against the walls. A desk and bookcase stood in a corner opposite a full length mirror. Light from a hallway and the distant laughter of servants crept through the room's open door.

Lizbeth pulled Sean closer and lowered her voice to a whisper, "You check the desk and drawers here. I'll see if there's a study or library further along."

The pirate nodded and gave her a quick kiss for luck. He looked around the room again. Between the desk, the bookcase and the dressers, there were plenty of places where important documents could be kept. Starting with the obvious, he moved across to the desk. It was beautifully made of polished cherry wood and held an expensive lead-crystal ink well. A heavy tome sat open on its surface. A quick glance identified it as a ledger listing the ships of the Sea Dog fleet and their current crews. It caught Sean's attention, but given Captain Green's position, it wasn't too unusual for him to have such a document.

Sean kept looking. Ignoring a neat pile of blank pages, he turned his attention to the desk drawers. The bottom two slid open easily, but there was nothing suspicious about their contents. The top drawer was locked. Lizbeth probably had tools built for the purpose, but Sean's knife was just as effective. He forced the drawer open and discovered it to be ... empty. Why lock an empty drawer? Sean looked more carefully.

His sharp eyes noted the curiously shallow depth of the drawer. A few prods revealed, and then removed, the false bottom. The stack of letters below made his eyes light as brightly as if he had uncovered a buried treasure trove. They were all written in a flowing Montaigne script. Sean could confidently speak the language, but couldn´t read its written word. He would need Lizbeth's help to make sense of this.

Taking the letters, he moved out of the room. He kept away from the ornate staircase leading downstairs and moved cautiously along the hallway to a second open door. He had gone no more than three steps when he stopped in his tracks. Two figures had just emerged from the room ahead.

The first was Lizbeth. She wore a look of frustrated defeat. Her arms were drawn behind her back and Sean could see the tail end of the piece of rope which obviously held them there. The second figure was Michel LePrev. He gripped Lizbeth's arm and pressed the muzzle of a pistol against the base of her skull.

"No tricks this time, pirate. Keep your hands away from your sword and come forward slowly."

When Sean had surrendered his weapons, LePrev herded his two prisoners into a dusty storage room. A gesture with the pistol indicated that the pirate should lie on the floor. LePrev then untied Lizbeth´s wrists and handed her the rope, “Now, my dear, I would appreciate it if you would render your meddlesome companion immobile.’

Lizbeth held the rope without moving. She glanced from Sean to LePrev, contemplating her options. They were relatively few. Pursing her lips in grim annoyance, she bent and bound the rope around Sean´s wrists, securing them behind his back, “Sorry about this, my love.’

A further bundle of ropes were retrieved from an old chest. Half of them were tossed across to Lizbeth. “Bind his legs together,’ instructed LePrev, “I will, of course, be checking your work once you have been similarly restrained.’

When Lizbeth had complied with his order, tying the rope at Sean´s ankles and knees, she stood back and glared at their captor. LePrev gave her efforts a quick inspection and nod of approval, “That will do for now. Place your hands behind your back.’

Several passes of rope were made across her wrists and fixed with a simple knot. Pushing the damsel to the floor, LePrev then mirrored Sean´s bonds on the girl‘s slender legs. Four or five loops were made at Lizbeth´s ankles and knees. There was nothing elaborate about the rope work. The knots were basic, but effective. There was enough slack to twist within the bonds, but no room to slip free. A more thorough assessment was made of Sean´s restraints and a few of the bonds tightened.

“Very good. Now, I want you sitting back to back. Move!’

With their limbs tied, any manoeuvring was clumsy at best, but Sean and Lizbeth shuffled and twisted until they were in the desired position. LePrev pushed their torsos closer and then wound a very long length of rope across both their stomachs. When it was tied in place there was no way for the prisoners to move apart.

The Montaigne agent lifted his own pistol and the discarded weapons of his foes, “You must forgive me if I leave you for a short time. My colleague and I have a few final preparations to make, but I will return soon. Au revoir.’

When the hall doorway was closed, the captives were left in darkness. Sean craned his neck towards Lizbeth and spoke in a loud stage whisper, “Psst, Lizbeth. I think Captain Green might be the Sea Dog traitor.’

She smiled despite herself, “Really? You think so?’

“Uh huh, I´m pretty smart about these things.’ He shifted his position against her back, “Can you reach any of these knots? We have to get out of here before he gets back.’

“I´m trying. I can´t reach the knots tying me. Can you turn your wrists and I might be able to get at yours.’

They wriggled around a bit and Sean tried to bring their bound hands together.

“Ow,’ he complained, “Mind where you´re putting your elbows.’

“It´s not my fault. Lean forward some more.’

“I would if I could. It´s this damned rope at our stomachs. Was it this uncomfortable when I tied you up?’

“To be honest, at the time my thoughts were more concerned with the other things you were doing to me.’

“Fair point,’ he laughed at the pleasant memory. “Hang on, I think I´ve found a loose end.’

“That´s my finger, you idiot.’

“Oh, sorry. What about this?’

Lizbeth felt a slight tugging at her wrists, “That does seem to be tied to me, but don´t pull like that - you´re only making things tighter.’

Sean probed some more. He traced the thin line until his fingers brushed against the twist of a knot, “I´ve got something now. This is a rubbish knot. The man wouldn´t last five minutes serving in the tops.’

“What? The tops of what?’

“Of a mast. In the rigging. Oh, never mind. You´re just as much a landlubber as him.’

The sailor continued to pick at the binding. His blunt nails were able to tug until a slight loop formed, allowing him to unthread the trailing end of the tie. The whole arrangement quickly began to unravel after that.

“Well done,’ praised Lizbeth with some relief. She was able to extricate her hands and bring her arms to the front. By sliding her body down, she could take hold of the coils attaching her to Sean and pull them over her breasts, past her shoulders and finally over her head. They could both breathe a great deal more easily now that one´s movements no longer jerked on the other. Even in the room´s dim light, it was a simple matter for Lizbeth to undo the ropes around her legs. Soon she was completely free.

“Right, now let´s get you loose.’

The highwaywoman rubbed at her wrists and scrambled around to face Sean´s bound hands. Working quickly, she started to unpick his knots, but before the release could be completed the door to the small room opened and a by now familiar figure stood silhouetted in the hallway.

“Well, well. Quite the little escape artist, aren´t we?’

LePrev stepped into the room, again brandishing his pistol. He was followed by a shorter, plump man dressed in the style of an Avalon noble. Lizbeth spun to her feet. She looked about frantically for any kind of improvised weapon, but LePrev shook his head and tutted softly in warning, “Careful, dear girl, don´t do anything foolish.’

Sean turned himself around to get a look at the other new arrival, “Captain Jack Green, I presume. So what did it take for you to betray your country?’

“The name is Jacques Duvert, If you want to be accurate, and I have never once betrayed my nation of birth. That´s the trouble with a country that doles out titles like they were sugared treats - claim to be the fourth son of a second cousin to some distant duke and nobody ever bothers to check the truth. I lost my real family and fortune when your damned pirates attacked my father´s merchant ship six years ago. I have loathed every minute spent living and working with you scum, but after tonight it will all have been worthwhile.’

Lizbeth arched an eyebrow in curiosity, “Why? What happens tonight?’

“You´ll find out soon enough,’ answered LePrev. “Jacques, take this gun and keep them covered.’ He handed over the pistol and then grabbed Lizbeth roughly by the arm, “As for you, if those first ropes weren´t tight enough, I´ll just have to do better this time.’

He shoved her against the wall and pulled her arms back harshly. The captive heroine gave a sharp gasp of pain as he twisted her arms until her hands were positioned palm to palm. The loops he made with the ropes were indeed much tighter and also much more numerous. A quick knot was made after two initial passes, but he then wrapped the remaining length in nearly a dozen more neat turns which ran half way up her forearm before being tied off. LePrev grunted with effort as he pulled the final knots as tightly as possible.

There was plenty more rope left in the chest in the corner. A long measure of coarse hemp was taken. As Green, or rather Duvert, looked on in interest, LePrev wound the middle of the strand in two more tight turns over the first stringent ties and then circled the free ends about Lizbeth´s waist. Each half was passed three times, making six taut bands that forced the girl to inhale deeply. When the last turns were secured, her bound hands were firmly wedged against her rounded bottom.

“We´re not done yet. You´ve already shown that chances can´t be taken where your bondage is concerned.’

“This really isn´t necessary,’ gasped Lizbeth, “I´m quite certain that these are more than adequate.’

“Let´s just make sure, shall we?’ LePrev had picked up two more lengths of cord, “It would be to my shame if you managed to escape twice in one night.’

These next strict loops were wrapped about the girl´s arms and body. The first set ran just below her elbows and breasts. The second circled parallel to the first, but around her upper arms and chest. Lizbeth´s arms were now effectively welded to her back. She could barely wriggle her straining limbs at all. LePrev might not know much about elaborate knots, but with application of enough rope even the most determined damsel could be rendered helpless.

The coils around her stomach had resulted in an hourglass figure that was normally only achieved with the most rigid of corsets. With her arms pulled back, her breasts were thrust forwards and the ropes above and below accentuated the womanly curves. Duvert had a hard time taking his eyes of the bound female form. He licked his lips in desire before facing LePrev, “So what do we do with them now?’

“Please, don´t go to any trouble on our account,’ muttered Sean from the floor.

“That´s right,’ agreed Lizbeth, “We wouldn´t want to keep you from your plans. What did you say they were again?’

The revolutionary agent ignored the dry wit of the two adventurers. He stepped across to tower over Sean, “I really don´t care what becomes of this one. He has been an irritation, but is of no real importance. We´ll leave him here. By the time he wakes up, we will be long gone.’

“By the time I wake up?’ Sean frowned, “What does that mean? Oh no!’

LePrev´s rapidly approaching boot answered his question. The kick to the skull snapped the young pirate´s head back and his unconscious form slumped to the floor.

“You cruel bastard!’ cursed Lizbeth, “There was no need for that.’

“Let´s have none of that language,’ scolded LePrev, “If you can´t keep a civil tongue in your head then I really don´t think we want to hear anything from you.’

He removed the red cravat from his neck and moved behind his furious captive. The folded length of silk was pulled between the girl´s teeth and tied firmly at the base of her neck above a tangle of soft curls. The wide band of cloth forced her lips to remain apart and reduced her complaints to incoherent grunts. Spinning her around, LePrev gripped Lizbeth´s chin forcefully and tilted her head back. Her eyes still gave a most eloquent expression of rage, but it was much easier to ignore the wordless glare.

“You really didn´t feature in our plans for tonight either, my dear, but since you´ve been so persistent it seems only fair to let you see what we have been arranging. A front row seat should provide you with a unique vantage point from which to witness the demise of the Sea Dogs.’

“Is that wise?’ asked Duvert doubtfully, “We can´t risk anything going wrong at this stage.’

“Don´t worry,’ LePrev assured him, continuing to stare gloatingly into his prisoner´s eyes, “We´ll make sure that this little one remains unable to interfere. Besides, her treason against the Republic earned a death sentence. It only makes sense to take care of such loose ends before I return home.’

Duvert shrugged and conceded the point. He examined the golden watch hanging from a delicate chain across the front of his waistcoat, “Whatever you think best, monsieur. Either way, we had best get moving before the hour grows too late. All will be lost if we miss our opening.’

Lizbeth mumbled a most unladylike insult that was fortunately lost to the muffling gag. With Duvert leading the way, LePrev grasped a handful of the ropes at her back and shoved her out of the room. She gave a final last glance over her shoulder to Sean´s prone form. With both of them captured and Reynolds attending the great ball, she wondered who would come to the rescue this time.

LePrev's inconsiderate hands half guided, half dragged his pretty prisoner along the hallway and then down the wide, curving staircase. Maintaining her balance was a precarious business at the pace she was force-marched down the marbled steps. Lizbeth flexed her bound arms and tried to break free, but her efforts went without reward. Instead her captor tightened his grip on the ropes and also seized the back of the cravat tied between her lips. She choked as the gag was pulled deeper into the corners of her mouth and used as a bit might be used to tame an unruly horse.

When they reached the ground floor, the noise of merry celebrations grew louder. An open door at the end of the corridor revealed a gaily decorated room where the household's servants were enjoying their own festive party. Lizbeth surged forward with a flicker of hope - if she could only alert someone to her predicament. The girl howled at the top of her lungs, desperately calling for help. It was no use. The stifling effect of her thick gag and the loud sounds of revellery thwarted her pleas. Her spirits were dashed when Duvert strode forward and calmly shut the door to screen off any chance glimpse by her potential saviours.

The damsel was led down the opposite branch of the corridor. The group moved past kitchens and dining room and descended stone steps that led into a damp cellar. A long rack of cobweb covered wine bottles ran along one wall beside several very large wooden barrels. A wide ramp on the facing wall rose to a set of double doors which were open to street level. One side of the doors was lying ajar and gave Lizbeth sight of a flat cart harnessed to a waiting shire horse.

LePrev addressed Duvert and pointed across to a selection of saddles, bridles and accompanying leather straps which were neatly arrayed on hooks, "Bring some of those straps and bind the young lady's legs. Be sure to buckle them securely."

As Duvert knelt and wrapped the thin black straps at her ankles, LePrev tore off the wide sash belting Lizbeth's borrowed shirt. It was somewhat redundant at this stage anyway, the multiple ropes from her stomach to chest were doing an excellent job of keeping the loose garment in place. He lifted the sash to her face and began to tie it over her eyes. The blindfold trapped the curls at her forehead and extended past the bottom of her nose. When it was firmly knotted, it clung to her features with no space for even a chink of light to reach her vision.

The man's voice was muted by the material covering her ears, "I'm afraid that you won't enjoy this next part of your journey, but the sight of an attractive bound and gagged girl would cause a stir if you travelled in the open. Just remember, my dear, you have only brought this trouble on yourself."

To The Conclusion

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